

I have waited a whole year to release these images I did with my friend and Stylist Monica Rose. They were shot 2 days before I gave birth, and 2 weeks after I gave birth to my sweet baby daughter Gia! (SAME OUTFITS!) It was so incredible to have the opportunity to collaborate on a shoot like this, memories I will cherish forever! Funny story, I was past my due date (ladies, you know how that gets!) and Monica ordered me this cult ‘special’ salad, from a pizza shop in LA that is meant to bring on labor and apparently never fails! I’m not sure if it was the salad or the trip to Disney Land for my sons birthday the day before…. but Gia arrived, and that day, was a glorious one, Im so glad we documented it! Special thanks to the awe inspiring Monica Rose and her team for conceptualizing such a shoot!

Photography: Joyce Park

Hair: Ashlee Rose

Makeup: Maria Vargas-Guzman

Styling: Monica Rose

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